Captain America: The First Adventure
If Thor was Marvel’s Superman: The Movie, then Captain America: The First Avenger is its Raiders of the Lost Ark!
It may seem a bit of a stretch to compare Captain America: The First Avenger to Raiders of the Last Ark, but it takes the essence of the comic book character who first appeared in 1941 and presents it in a way that recalls – without imitating – the way that Raiders took pulp adventures and serials and turned them into something fresh and magnificent.
Director Joe Johnson [The Rocketeer] and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have managed to hit every note required to make a movie about the Star-Spangled Avenger work. Though Cap’s Simon/Kirby origin is filtered through Marvel’s Ultimates take on the character, all the key parts are there: the sickly Steve Rogers – a 4F kid from Brooklyn with a big heart; a German-American scientist with a technique to create ‘super soldiers’; a traitor who destroys the project and kills the scientist so there can only be one super soldier; Steve tracking down and catching the killer, who commits suicide rather than face interrogation. World War II takes on a strange alternate existence in the Marvel Universe.There are fresh twists, too – like Peggy Carter [Haley Atwell], an agent of an organization that is the forerunner of S.H.I.E.L.D., from the Iron Man and Thor movies; Steve’s best friend, Bucky Barnes [Sebastian Stan] is the same age as Steve; Cap puts together the Howling Commandos [Sgt. Nick fury’s squad in the comics]; the Cosmic Cube [see the tag/stinger at the end of Thor] is folded into the story [though here it’s called the Tesseract], and Cap’s skintight costume appears only in a propaganda act he does with the USO to sell war bonds. There’s even a neat weaving of the Iron Man movies into the proceedings, with Howard Stark [Dominic cooper – who bears a more than passing resemblance to Robert Downy Jr.] being one of the scientists on the Super Soldier Project.

X Man First Class
Cast & Crew
James McAvoy
Charles Xavier/Professor X
Michael Fassbender
Kevin Bacon
Sebastian Shaw
Rose Byrne
Dr. Moira MacTaggert
Jennifer Lawrence
Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Oliver Platt
Man in Black
Caleb Landry Jones
Sean Cassidy/Banshee
Alex Gonzalez
Janos Quested/Riptide
Nicholas Hoult
Hank McCoy/Beast
January Jones
Emma Frost
Edi Gathegi
Armando Munoz/Darwin
Jason Flemyng
Zoe Kravitz
Angel Salvadore
X-Men: First Class (2011)
- Release Date: 06/03/2011
- Rating: PG-13
- Runtime: Not Yet Available
- Genre: Action, Fantasy
- Director: Matthew Vaughn