Bollywood Hindi Movie Game is releasing this Friday on April 1, 2011. The film Game is based on action/Drama/Thriller.Game was earlier title as crooked but Emran Hashmi crooked have already been released. This film is shouted at India as well out side of India at (United Kingdom, Thailand, Turkey). This film is produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani,this film is directed by Abhinay Deo, starring Abhishek Bachchan as Neil Menon, Kangna Ranaut as Sia Agnihotri, Sarah Jane Dias as Maya, Jimmy Sheirgill as Vikram Kapoor, Gauhar Khan as Samara Shroff, Shahana Goswami as Tisha Khanna,Boman Irani as OP Ramsay, Anupam Kher as Kabir Malhotra. Abhishek looking handsome in whole film and Kangana is looking so sexy and stylish.
Maine Yeh Kab Socha Tha - Game